The Basics
For fun I made this to prove-out that my MS Paint plugin could be extended nicely.
Amusingly the demo below uses three plugins I've written to make a larger game from the pieces.
It won't support multiple instances being played simultaneously.
Snake color Food color Background coloryour high score: (we use cookies for this purpose only)
0 points -Demo setup:
var $p = $('#points'); $p.levelup({'start' : 0, showThousands: true}); $('#container').snakeGame({rows: 40, cols: 40, speed: 250, onPoint: function(increase) { $p.levelup('increment', increase); }, onGameOver: function() { $('#over').text('Game over!'); }}); $('#start').on('click', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); $('#log').empty(); $('#points').text('0'); $('#over').text(''); $('#container').snakeGame('start'); });
Basically just include the file.
<script src="//"></script> <script src="/libs/jquery-snake-game/jquery.snake-game.js"></script> <div id='container'></span> <script> $('#container').snakeGame({rows: 20, cols: 20}); </script>
Name | Type | Default | Description |
rows | integer | 50 |
Number of rows. |
cols | integer | 50 |
Number of columns. |
speed | integer | 100 |
Speed of movement in milliseconds. |
snakeColor | css string | blue |
Color of the snake. |
foodColor | css string | blue |
Color of the food. |
startLength | integer | 1 |
Starting length of the snake. |
cornerFood | boolean | true |
Can food spawn in the corner? |
wallFood | boolean | true |
Can food spawn against the outer wall? |
onPoint | callback | null |
Function called with single parameter, the score increase. |
onGameOver | callback | null |
Function called when the game ends. |
method | param | type | description |
'start' |
start the game (or reset the game) | ||
'turn' |
direction | string | turn the snake, left, right, up, down |